Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rainy Saturday

Jacob now works Saturdays at this new job and his 12 hour days (plus commute) and 6 day a week schedule are a lot different from what we've had in the past. We knew this kind of change would come and, in a way, it's wonderful. I love waking up and seeing him off in the morning and, even more, I love it when I see him pulling into the driveway.

But, I have this observation: I'm thankful that I have work - and work that is flexible enough I can take it with me anywhere. Because, I have to think that being a housewife sans kids would bore me to death.

Well, maybe not if I had oodles of cash on hand and just shopped and worked out and was groomed all day by a dedicated staff.


Nope, I think I'd still be bored.

Anyway, I was planning an exploratory trip to the West Side Market today and, while much of it is indoors, I was really hoping for some nice weather and photography ops. It turned out to be a rainy Saturday and I just wasn't feeling that for traipsing around, so I stayed closer to the house.

Thanks again for the casa, P& J!

I'll have to save that one for next week, so stay tuned, but in the mean time: a little sampling of the Ohio spring and our new (temporary - although, aren't they all right now?) digs.

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