Tuesday, April 27, 2010

G L A M O..r not so much

Today dawned beautifully, full of sun and clear skies - and such a relief after the last few days of grey. I was looking forward to my big household task of the day as I stepped outside to mow the grass. HELlo! Speaking of wake up call. It was like 45 degrees and WINDY! How can do they stand it up here? It should at least be warm enough to enjoy if you have to be outside doing yard work. C'mon!

Anyway, the real hilarity in all this is that, as I was sweating (in a fleece and patagonia tights) and toiling, pushing, pulling and coaxing the mower up hills of way overgrown grass and occasionally stepping in dog-dug holes in the backyard, Glamorous by Fergie came on my ipod.

Ha. Not so much.


  1. I love the thought of you mowing. Bet Michael will too. mom

  2. I love the thought of you mowing. Mom
