Friday, June 11, 2010

Pain in the neck

Well, we made it through a 12+ hour day of driving, riding and flying (sort of) at Cedar Point yesterday and the first thing I'll say is, HALLELUJAH, a day free of rain. I don't know if it was truly miracle weather and the clouds parted for family day or if it's just that we escaped the pocket of persistent cloudy raininess that hangs over the Fairlawn/Akron area. WHO CARES. Sun, الحمدلله!

It's a good thing we enjoyed it, though, because it's back to rainy with a neckache here. All those fantastic rides (and we did all of them - all the good ones anyway - twice) took me back to summers with the Sabatino family, our couple-day mini-vacations to theme parks and the family dares to do the next biggest ride or stunt or thrill. They took me back to being a kid in a way - and reminded me how much of an adult I am. 

Like I said, rainy with a neckache...we woke up this morning and looked at each other and said a collective, "ow." Ow for the neckache and backache, and bruised quads and cracking knees and sore feet. 

Oh, well. It was worth it. 


  1. I figured a neck ache was coming

  2. haha oh gosh it was SO much fun, even though it was a pretty long day.
