Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mama Mia!

I took off at the end of last week and headed Indy-way to visit a bit with my family and friends here and, even though it was a pretty short time, there have been lots of good times. It's amazing how sometimes (especially when you're home or in the company of those you love) even the really basic things can be wonderful.

Mom and I spent a good bit of time rummaging through the attic in a process of sorting and un-boxing and reboxing that seems neverending and frustrating but that always yields fun stuff (wedding gifts! thought-to-be-lost kitchen accessories!). We attempted to figure out how to finish a set of Kate Spade Library Lane flatware when it's not available anywhere - or sell it (we decided on sell it - you want it? Try here), but that was after Sarah and I had a nasty adventure with an unhappy (I suppose about most everything) clerk at Macy's named Chuck. I have no problem reporting this and saying that I will furthermore avoid Macy's home department at the Greenwood Park Mall like the plague, and maybe all Macy's stores hereafter (sorry, manager James, not even your helpfulness could mediate that attitude). Mom and I cooked a heart healthy meal from the Mayo Clinic (which I will spare this site, lest you try to prepare and eat it - blech). I also got to spend lots of time with my girls (Sarah and her beautiful baby Mia), drive my Mustang (so did the husband) and cook breakfast for my mom this morning before I left.

That recipe, I will post - because if you make it, you'll enjoy it and because I can tell you about how I used my torch! I have a torch! It was a birthday gift from Sarah but I never went out to get the butane tank to fill it up and now I am a wannabe chef so I found it and got motivated. It's awesome. So is oatmeal brulee...

Oatmeal Brulee
Prepare oats (regular or quick) according to directions, but instead of all water, I like to use half water and half milk. If you want to be decadent then use some half and half in the mix.
Add to the warming liquid (before you stir in the oats):
a pinch of salt
Cinnamon to taste (I put in about 1/8 of a t for 2 servings)
Brown Sugar to taste (1-2 T)
Butter (1 T)

Cook oats until thickened (if you don't have a torch, lightly butter or spray your oven-safe bowls with cooking spray and heat your oven to broil) and then pour or spoon finished oats into bowls. Sprinkle white sugar on top (about 1 T per serving or until it's covered) and run the flame over the sugar until it bubbles and browns OR put your bowls in to broil for just a couple of minutes until the sugar bubbles and browns.

Serve with berries.

The whole visit was enhanced by the appearance of my darling husband for the middle couple of days. I love him so much for driving five hours each way to come spend time with me and my family. As much as they love me, they really love him (because he's not even related to me and he still loves me so sweetly - and knows how to handle me!) and they love having him around, too. Yay for visits! Yay for husband! Yay that I'll be back with him this evening.

That is all.


  1. oatmeal brulee sounds awesome. I will have to try this for sure.

  2. Yay that you finally used my gift! Did you mom like her breakfast? Sorry I didn't get your call this morning. My zoo party wanted to go this morning instead of the afternoon (boo in my opinion). It was great to spend time with you. When will I see you again?
