Sunday, September 6, 2009

Parties with the Petries

It's damage only in retrospect (all the eating over the last month at our favorite hometown haunts and vacation spots) as far as the potential (?) weight gain. Now, in photos, I can relive all the wonderful times we had, which, hey, happens to include food...and markets. And people.

Here are a few shots of our trip to Cleveland, which was at the end of our time at home, but the beginning of the camera's rehab. Beginning with the most important first:
Ha, ha! Just kidding! Dogs are not more important than people...

But seriously, Jackson is so cute and reminds me of Kipling too much and Sadie can catch food she tosses up in the air from her nose!
But, hey, so can Phillip! Just kidding, but maybe with some training. These are the Petries, Phillip is a longtime friend of Jacob's and Josie is a new friend of mine (Marriage is great, right? You get a spouse and new friends!). one was indoor/outdoor and fabulous! I hope we live near one the next place we go. And, hey, I had to show the pig as it should be - a beacon of gastronomy, not a shameful, haram dinner reject!
Eating alfresco? Not something we get to do here, much. And the beautiful, in-season, sweet, tart glistening peaches...oh, yeah. That's summer.

And just one for the road: a delectible cheese plate from Luxe, which, if you're in Cleveland: yum!

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