Talking with my mother-in-law last night, she said something that many of our closest family and friends have (probably) always thought, but never really said, "You guys did a crazy thing, running off with someone you barely even knew." Yeah, we all laughed about it and made offhand comments about running away and making insane choices and all, but none of those ever matched the feeling I percieved last night that spoke to me and said, "No, really. What you did...that whole getting married in six months to a relative stranger (I think you realize that after being married for a little while - how little you know at first) moving abroad for a year...that. Was. C-r-a-z-y. Like, clinically insane."
Maybe if we had heard it, we might have chickened out or something. But probably not. I guess it's safe now to hear it, since we made it. Our young marriage still has a lot of room to grow and, insh'allah, many years in which to grow, but we have bonded through the fun times and through what we call "marriage boot camp times."
A Buraimi Sunset, surprisingly beautiful this time of year. It's like the sunset of our time here...I'm so deep.
Even though I treasure our adventure-seeking and sojourning around this area of the world, I think my favorite things from this experience include having some humdinger miscommunications and disagreements and getting through them - maybe not always well, but getting through them and learning from them. Knowing that no matter who's fault it was, I still love him and he still loves me. Another thing I treasure is our time together. I know I've said this before, but we have been spending more time the last few days just hanging out with each other and holding hands or reading next to each other. Proximity, man, it's key. That way, when something comes to our minds we can just talk about it. I hope we're able to always cut out some time to just be together. And our collaboration on something so huge - our mutual investment and commitment to a big decision, then seeing it through.
When we left the states, we'd just had a weddding, but I feel like we're coming back with a marriage.
Look how happy - and how clueless! Ha! Jokes on you, selves of 11 months ago! But it all turns out well...
It took me forever to catch up with your posts and look through all of your amazing pictures, but I am so glad that I took the time to do so. I honestly think you should try to make yourself a book of all the pictures of your journey and of your blog... It would make a wonderful anniversary present ;) You may think that your marriage, your journey and your decisions may have been a little crazy but I can't help but think they're anything less than incredibly romantic. Your marriage is one, that I must say, is rare now a days. I was talking with Liam the other day and it amazes me how many marriages these days fail, not because of finances or cheating, etc., but due to lack of plain old respect. If a couple doesn't have respect for each other, than how does one expect their marriage to last? It seems respect has been a dying trend with a lot of younger couples. I am glad you have found someone who not only loves you for the amazing woman you are but respects you as well. I'm so glad that you're doing well and I hope only the best for you. :) I'm so glad you found the man of your dreams. You truly deserve it.
ReplyDeleteI guess this would be a good time to say, I told you so. I never doubted you or Derwood.