Monday, August 9, 2010

Trashed, Part Different: The Bachelor Pad Review

I probably shouldn't admit this, but I've already mentioned that me and the girls watch the Bachelor and the Bachelorette - two trashy shows disguised as true love fairy tale stories. These are shows you can watch and laugh at and criticize based mostly on the fact that the end goal seems pretty reputable, admirable and, in the end, what we're all looking for: true love.

But, the Bachelor Pad. Kids, what? OMG, this is like the absolute perfect confluence of social influence that combines all the idea(l)s(?) about reality spurned by the Real World age. We think that somehow any combination of sexylookingpeople poured into one room, devoid of emotion and morals but soaked with enough alcohol is going to come up with a worthy viewing topic? Well, no. But it is darn entertaining.

So, knowing that I and the girls couldn't possibly be as alcohol-soaked or sensually manipulated and frustrated (thank goodness) as those "contestants" on the Bachelor Pad, we set out to view the latest creation of ABC and Chris Harrison.

At this point, all I can say is: Michelle and Juan, peace out. Wine, peace in.

I love my girlfriend times and goofyness. I may have to do some Bachelor Pad updates. In the mean time, here are some quotes:

"I don't want it to be over. It totally lived up to my exploitations...expectations." - Esther

"I mean, if Michelle wanted to stay she shouldn't have locked one of her friends in a bathroom." -Pam

1 comment:

  1. yes, I love it! Can't wait for episode 2 tomorrow! :)
