Monday, January 4, 2010


We have officially passed the frenzied holiday season and so this first full working week of the New Year - and new decade - finds me...sitting on the couch? Yes, culture shock is upon me.

For the first time in my adult life I am unscheduled and unbusy and unsure of what to do with myself. I wasn't the type who took off summers to traverse Europe or do study abroad or schlep around to music festivals - tempting as all those things were and still are - I just felt like I needed to work. I wanted to work. So I worked. And when I got a break (or got married!) I filled in the holes of those wished-for experiences the best I could with vacations allowed from the grown-up grind.

Now we are back in the states and Jacob is spending days looking for internships while I dream about how to fill this free time without wasting it. So far freelancing for a couple of local publications is on the dockett as well as visiting with friends and maybe some volunteer opportunities with church or community organizations. It's a dream come true in a way. I just hope I don't dream it away...


1 comment:

  1. I remember feeling that way when we first moved to Florida. You go girl, because I have to say I wasted much of it.
